The band comprises Scod (Scott Edgar), Yon (Simon Hall) and Gatesy (Steven Gates).
Tripod is an Australian musical comedy trio formed in 1997, specialising in improv, parody and satire.
Read Full Bio There are at least five artists with the name Tripod:ġ. A French metal / hardcore band (active from 2001 to 2005)ġ. A US prog rock band (active from 1998 to 2007)ĥ. A Serbian easy listening / pop band (active from 2007 to 2009)Ĥ. A Norwegian grunge/stoner rock band (active from 2002 to present)ģ. An Australian comedy band (active from 1997 to present)Ģ. There are at least five artists with the name Tripod:ġ.