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Tales Of A Housewife : She had been fantasizing all day long about him.Sex was theĪuthor: cameraman12035, Rating: 91.8, Source: Most of all she was ready to try almost anything in bed. Standing in the bathroom looking at her he realized that Karen was almost everything he wanted in a woman. He tried to get out of bed without waking Karen so that he could get a shower. My Photogenic Mom 13 (corrected) : 13 Harold woke up with Karen's ass pressed tight against his stomach.No one is walking toward her and the occasional glance behind her shows no one either and as she looks both ways to cross theĪuthor: Cruz4U, Rating: 76.5, Source: She hopes the silence is on her side, that no one is lurking as she turns down one street and then another until she's just a few minutes shy of her apartment.

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and the world goes dark (pt 1) : It's quiet through the streets as Maggie makes her way home, holding her purse to her chest and walking quickly.

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